This fund was established at the Community Foundation of the Ozarks in 2014, where cat-loving individuals can make tax-deductible donations to help make a difference in the lives of felines in Southwest Missouri.
Watching Over Whiskers supports routine vetting to help place kitties in loving homes, as well as Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) assistance for community cats and emergency vet assistance for owned and community cats on a case-by-case basis.
To date, WOW has been able to TNR, provide assistance, and/or place more than 9200+ kitties, and we couldn’t have done it without YOU! Your kindness and compassion have made all the difference and given the amazing WOW volunteers the ability to help defenseless felines who have no voice but our own.
Follow us on this journey as we continue to work together, watching over whiskers.
According to a study conducted by Appalachian State University, one un-spayed female cat and one un-neutered male cat and their offspring can result in 420,000 kittens in 7 years. A female cat can have 29 litters in 10 years. A male cat can sire as many as 2,500 kittens in a single year, and a male dog can sire almost as many puppies.
Need we say more?
Dear Friends,
I admit it. I have fallen madly in love with felines. Twenty years ago, a little grey kitten caught my eye and my heart soon followed.
Within five years I was seeing stray cats everywhere and thus my journey to help felines of all shapes, sizes, ages, and colors began.
My cat knowledge has grown and I continue to learn daily – they have so much to teach us and we have so much to learn.
Never has my heart has been so full, and sometimes so broken, as when I look into the eyes of a rescue. If only they could talk. If only they could tell their story.
If only...
They can’t tell me how they came to cross my path or where their journey began, but when I look into their eyes I can make them a promise that we will improve their lives from that day forward. WOW can only do that with the help of other cat lovers like yourself. We are their only voice; their only hope.
Thank you for your interest in WOW and your love of felines. Together we can make a difference —
changing lives, feline and human, one paw at a time.
Marci Bowling
Founder, Watching Over Whiskers